Well, Cardiff announced that it was supporting tonight's Earth Hour. I wondered whether to go into town to see the effect, but then I read that they were marking it by turning off all non-essential lighting in their offices. Well, those open between 8 and 9pm anyway, so I decided the effect might be less than spectacular. Good for them for signing up, though. Not many cities have yet.
So instead of walking in to see the unbright lights of the city, I turned off my own lights (two 7 watt low energy bulbs) and the computer (probably the larger contribution - must remember to look at the rating plate once I switch it off), poured myself a glass of wine (enough light in the kitchen from the street lights to see to do that), lit three candles and settled down with a book for an hour.
It would be nice if the energy saving propagandists would occasionally point out that some of us are already doing our bit, rather than tar the whole nation with the same brush. Even if one of our contributing factors is insufficient income to be profligate!
Anyway, I enjoyed reading by candlelight. Used to be a more frequent event out in the wilds of Ceredigion. But I wondered just how many other people were sitting at home in the same way. Next year, let's get together and bring some friends as well and have a candle-lit Earth Hour party. We needn't limit it to the hour, of course!
Hey Michael, love your post! Didn't realize Cardiff was marking Earth hour. i also lit some candles and just enjoyed the stillness, the half-lit darkness. Was peaceful & calm, especially knowing others around the world would be doing the same.
My mum managed to get the lights off in her and my Dad's house for nearly an hour but my Dad was complaining about the dark for most of it. He still had the TV on and then decided at 8.50pm he'd had enough as he wanted to go and do things in the house!! Was admirable Mum managed 40mins ;-)
Candle lit gathering sounds great next year! How did others do?
Take care, Juliette
Excellent, Michael and Juliette. Didn't go too bad for me, I had two others to convince, with mixed success. For the most part I retired to my room, read a bit of Marquez by candlelight, then, when my eyes got fed up of that romantic attempt I listened to some of the 2nd part of 'His Dark Materials'- 'The Subtle Knife' audiobook on my ipod. Controversial, I know.
But, the real question, of course, is what book were you reading, Michael?
2nd question is that an ikea chair? lol! nice mike! JUliette
Yes, it's an IKEA chair - comfortable and all too easy to fall asleep in!
The book was Michael Legat's Writing for Pleasure and Profit, which resurfaced in a recent tidying blast. I bought it so long ago that it has advice on choosing typewriter paper, ribbons and carbon paper. To be fair, he did say that some writers were beginning to use word processors. His was an Amstrad 8256, so he was an early convert.
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