Wednesday 21 November 2007

You are always an electron away from a proper snog

Just listened to Gwyneth Lewis's Stardust for the second time. Entrancing.

I'd be interested to know how people with no background in fundamental particles found it, but from the writer's viewpoint I loved the interweaving of the narrative and the play itself. Maybe there is a technical term for that - question for Briony next time!

Half way through the second hearing, I realised that it is a similar technique to that Dylan Thomas used in Under Milk Wood. But sorry, Dylan, I preferred Gwyneth's!


Daisy said...

It was great! And it would have given me some great quotes if I was still running my Otherworlds course - I had one group of students relate the 'big bang' to human love, and this would've fitted in perfectly with their analogy!

Sara said...

It was great! And would've been very useful if I'd heard it a year ago when running my Otherworlds course. A group of my students had linked the 'big bang' to human love, and this would've fitted their analogy perfectly!

Juliette Llewellyn said...

I really enjoyed Stardust aswell Michael & Daisy :-) Also loved the way the narrative interwieved with the quantum physics detail. Her language is very poetic.

I have no scientific background but had come across some of the ideas from a kind of spiritual angle from the law of attraction etc. Have been to a spiritual talk from a scientist whi actually talked alot about the scientific effect on the body of emotions / universe and quantum physics etc.

Thanks Sarah for telling us about the play!