Wednesday, 19 September 2007

UK At Home - Writing & Photo Project

Looks an interesting project. It asks for essays written about your home to be sent in (aswell as the photos). Actually its on now!


Michael L MacKian said...

Now there's a challenge! Do I photograph the pad as it is, full of chaos (the Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome!) or do I tidy odd corners and shoot what it should look like? I suppose for the eventual book to be representative, it should have quite a lot of living-alone depressives in it, because there are more of us every day! Trouble is, I'll probably smile for the camera and thus cause confusion... decisions again...

Juliette Llewellyn said...

Yes, i know what you mean! Lol! Am in a similar quandry myself....tried photographing my meal yesterday for the assignment and my battery ran out! Better luck today i hope!

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