Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Haiku for frustrated Computer Users

They are quoted by Gillie Bolton in a book I’m reading - someone sent them to her anonymously - what a delight!

Chaos reigns within
Reflect, repent, and reboot
Order shall return

Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that

With searching comes loss
and the presence of absence
‘My Novel’ not found

Monday, 14 January 2008

The New Year....

'January is a wonderful time to connect fully with your core purpose, your vision and your plans for the year.

The energy of the new year can inspire you to see with 'new eyes' as you decide on what is truly important for you in the coming months.

This is quite different from the process of setting 'New Year's Resolutions' which can end up being half-hearted attempts to introduce change without the commitment and clarity required for that change to happen!

So as 2008 gets into full swing, I invite you to reflect upon:

  • what's really important to you about writing?
  • how crucial is it for you to discover your voice and see your work in print?
  • what are you really aiming for and what difference will it make to your life once you have achieved your goals?

When you're clear about what really matters, the next step is to make a plan that will show you how you can make steady progress towards the results you are looking for.

Be specific with your plan and literally schedule time into your diary for all that you want to achieve with your writing - and in general - this year.

I also recommend that you allow a good amount of time and space for spontaneity and the 'unexpected' ...

These are crucial ingredients along any path to creative fulfilment and finding the right balance between holding to your plan and being open to new possibilities will lead you to the greatest joy and success.'

Julia McCutcheon
The Writers Journey - From Inspiration To Publication

I am on Julia McCutcheon's newsletter list and was sent this. Thought this tied in a little with our class last Tuesday & may be helpful. She was a publisher but now she helps others find their writers voice and helps get their work in to print.